Sixth Sense Six Week Challenge

Sixth Sense Six Week Challenge

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As we all stagger towards a new normal, it’s become all too clear that many of us have fallen into some bad habits: lack of exercise, all the wrong foods and too much drink, to name but three.

It’s time to address this and we’ve set ourselves a challenge: do something positive for our health for six weeks (good habits tend to stick after this).

We thought you might like to join us?

As an added incentive, it would be great to raise some money for one of our favourite charities at the same time – Marie Curie ( Like many charities, donations are down for them since COVID hit.

So here’s the plan:

Check out this private Facebook group and tell us if you’d like to join a friendly, supportive and encouraging community.

Share the promise that you are making to improve your health, fitness and wellbeing. The goals that you decide on are yours and we aren’t being prescriptive.

Start any time and keep going for six weeks.

Tell the group how you are getting on, big each other up and share your success stories, photos and ideas – we’ll share ours, too (plus lots of the ideas from our site).

Help us raise as much money as possible to support the great work that the lovely folks at Marie Curie do (we will send you a link to a JustGiving page to share with friends, family and colleagues).

First 20 people to sign up get a free copy of Mind Body Balance – one of the two books we have written; if you don’t have this gracing your bookshelf already!

Start The Discussion

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