High performance in a VUCA world
How do you develop people in the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world we are currently living in?
We think traditional management and leadership development is no longer enough – even if it is being delivered remotely and flexibly.
Right now, more than ever in this changing VUCA world trying to push more knowledge into the heads of people is more likely to lead to stress and overwhelm than personal growth. That’s a waste of time and money and it’s not going to drive up levels of engagement.
It’s our view that working from the inside-out is what really delivers lasting change.
What does this mean? For us, it’s offering your precious talent something truly holistic, individually tailored and with clear before and after measures of whole-person and team effectiveness.
After all, world class athletes and sports teams work with their coaches to address all aspects of their training – from mental preparation through to exercise, diet, rest and even team dynamics. We argue that your highest performers in business deserve no less attention,
This level of integrated expert support is now available from our leading business psychologists and wellbeing coaches. At a cost to your organisation no greater than traditional methods, our 1:1 and group development programmes provide significantly better return on investment than you have experienced to date.
We create bespoke individual and team packages that:
- Baseline current levels of performance
- Are shaped and informed by key stakeholder feedback and in-depth assessment
- Pinpoint areas where particular focus will yield the greatest results e.g. self-knowledge, managing pressure, relating to others, sleep, managing mood and emotions, exercise, nutrition, work-life balance or simply skills enhancements
- Highlight the VUCA risks of derailment and failure, so that personal and collective preventative action can be taken
- Are underpinned by solid evidence and accompanied by access to our books (Staying Sane in Business & Mind Body Balance in Business and our website www.sane.works
- Create the right collective and individual mindsets for success
- Encompass flexible support around the high impact wellbeing practices that have been shown to make a massive difference to people
- Lead to significant enhancements in personal and group resilience
- Represent excellent value for money
How do actually we do this? We blend the very best in assessment, individual and team coaching and high-impact webinars together into programmes that deliver outstanding results. We’ve been doing this for many years, after all! All that’s improved is how we mix it all together.
Each week and for the next 40 weeks, we are going to share more of our thinking with you. Next up, within the area of self-knowledge, we are going to talk about how playing to your strengths is so important.
If you would like to understand how we can play a transformational part in your businesses development please get in touch with us: info@sixthsenseconsulting.co.uk
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