Big Talent Questions No2

There has been lot of heat generated in the area of talent management but not a great deal of light has been shed on a complex subject.

The result is that we have all sorts of perspectives ranging from a “war for talent”, which in truth is as difficult to grasp as the “war on terror”, to the intriguing idea of a “leadership pipeline”!

Metaphors aside, how about thinking about talent management by looking at it in just five ways?


This Time Five Questions Arise

Question 1

Do you go through the process of annual organisational reviews and if you do, what value do they create? Are current systems more process based than outcome-orientated?

Question 2

How would you rate the quality of the dialogue regarding succession? How often do the fora that have a talent management responsibility meet? Organisations that are smart at managing talent have leadership teams who meet and discuss talent several times per year in meetings that are challenging and rich in content. Is this true of your organisation?

Question 3

Are the design principles of current systems clear? Is your organisation clear about the role of line managers in the identification and development of talent; is the deal clear about expectations of movement of people; where does diversity fit into the equation; how clear is your organisation about recruitment and promotion on the basis of potential and what is the role of local and central HR?

Question 4

How good are current executive teams at working through the potential candidates for positions? Who facilitates these sessions?

Question 5

How well do current IT systems help you collate and represent this data or are you still making down with spread sheets and clunky downloads from ancient payroll systems?

The next perspective we will take will involve questions about the vexed question of risk!

Start The Discussion

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