

The Power of a Dopamine Detox

By Chris Welford on 22nd July, 2024 in Coaching, Moods, Resilience, Sleep, Stress and Pressure, Wellbeing

In today’s fast-paced, digitally driven world, our brains are constantly bombarded with stimuli. From the instant gratification of social media likes to the endless stream of notifications, our daily lives are saturated with sources of quick dopamine hits. While these can provide momentary pleasure, they often leave us feeling drained,...

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Coaching and Neuroscience

By Chris Welford on 2nd April, 2024 in Coaching

Exploring the fascinating intersection of neuroscience and coaching provides invaluable insights into how coaching strategies can be enhanced through a deeper understanding of the human brain and how it works. The latest thinking in this area suggests that effective coaching practices can significantly benefit from neuroscientific principles, leading to more...

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The High Challenge, High Support Approach to Leading People

By Chris Welford on 25th March, 2024 in Coaching

The high-challenge, high-support approach has emerged as a powerful strategy in leadership. This approach, often likened to a balancing act, involves pushing team members beyond their comfort zones (high challenge) while providing them with the necessary resources and emotional backing (high support) to meet these challenges. The High Challenge Component...

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Are you ready to be coached?

By Chris Welford on 29th February, 2024 in Coaching

  It’s a valid question – you might be and might not be. Here are a few pointers from us: 1. Openness to Feedback You’re open to receiving positive and negative feedback and will use it constructively to improve your performance and behaviour. There’s no point in adopting a defensive position...

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I need a coach … but how do I choose?

By Chris Welford on 23rd February, 2024 in Coaching, Uncategorized

There are a lot of coaches out there and it’s not always easy to make a choice.  Here are some ideas from us, not necessarily in order of importance: Background.  Ok, a coach isn’t a mentor (nothing wrong with mentoring, so let’s not confuse two disciplines) but it’s helpful that...

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