

Back to School Competencies

By Chris Welford on 18th September, 2012 in Coaching, Development

It’s that time of year again. The holiday season is over, those of us lucky enough to be in paid employment or enterprise are heading back to work and the children are contemplating the imminent arrival of school, lessons and homework. IT STARTED ME THINKING… What if we had competency...

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Merger or Invasion

By Chris Welford on 18th June, 2012 in Coaching

Picture this an ailing enterprise is being rescued by a white knight or a country being torn apart by internecine quarrels is being protected by the international community. But wait, not everyone is playing ball and there remain stubborn factions that are not saluting the new flag. Even at the...

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Inspired by Austerity

By Chris Welford on 18th May, 2012 in Coaching, Development

Back in recession or bumping along the bottom. It seems to make little difference and it’s hard to get excited or depressed about so-called growth that falls from less than 1% to, well less than minus 1%! It probably matters to the economists but to the rest of us the...

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Emotionally Literate Workplaces

By Chris Welford on 18th April, 2012 in Coaching

There are many lessons from the world of psychotherapy that are applicable to business. Take, for example the thoughts of Claude Steiner – one of the last remaining, living disciples of Eric Berne, the founder of transactional analysis (TA). Steiner is still a powerful and provocative figure who is now...

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Coaching Or Therapy

By Chris Welford on 18th March, 2012 in Coaching, Psychotherapy & Counselling

Is there a difference? I’m aware that this is a question that opens up a whole can of worms and to start with I should declare my position up front as I do both! LET’S START BY ESTABLISHING SOME COMMON GROUND. It seems safe to assume that we would all...

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