By Chris Welford on 3rd November, 2021 in Feelings and Emotions, Getting Help and Support, Uncategorized, Wellbeing
You have probably been talking a lot about wellbeing over the last 18 months, but is it truly central to your corporate culture? Post-pandemic, have you thought about how to encourage workplace healthy high performance, when your people are at least partially back in the office? Do you feel that...
By Chris Welford on 28th September, 2021 in Change, Feelings and Emotions, Stress and Pressure
Overall, many organisations have coped well with remote working. But the time to return to the office – at least some of the time – is upon us. Here are a few thoughts about how you can make this a success. Purpose first The last 18 months have been all...
By Chris Welford on 29th July, 2021 in Coaching
The four phases of team development – forming, storming, norming and performing are familiar to most of us. There are some significant leadership issues at each stage of a team’s journey but there is a danger that in our multi-tasking, always-connected world, these are overlooked. TIME TO LOOK AT THE...
By Chris Welford on 14th July, 2021 in Change, Feelings and Emotions
With just a few days to go before the last of the major COVID restrictions are lifted, most organisations are planning for a return, at least partially, to office-based working. Although the call to arms to work at home was met with high degrees of understanding and commitment, the return...
By Chris Welford on 25th June, 2021 in Balance, Exercise
You’ve probably heard that it’s important to stay physically active. From heart disease to type-two diabetes to depression: the protective impact of exercise is well researched. What you might not know much about is the impact of exercise on resistance to infection and in particular, COVID-19. A recent study, reported...
By Chris Welford on 9th June, 2021 in Coaching, Getting Help and Support
A guest blog post for Sixth Sense Consulting by Sarah Clapperton Many people remember their initial experience of 360 feedback; perhaps the first time they heard how their colleagues really see them. The most effective leaders I meet tend to have embraced this sort of feedback and have adapted their...
By Chris Welford on 12th May, 2021 in Uncategorized
Yes, it’s Mental Health Awareness week, but this isn’t all about what’s happening in your head! We’re now beginning to understand how interconnected the brain and body are – with 90% the body’s serotonin (the feel-good hormone, critical to our resilience) made in the gut. As a result, the...
By Chris Welford on 29th April, 2021 in Change, Wellbeing
One of the challenges of beginning the return to a familiar world of offices and travel is eating well. Working at home has created an ideal opportunity to focus on good nutrition; theoretically at least. It’s a more controlled environment in which you can better plan what and when to...
By Chris Welford on 24th March, 2021 in Balance, Feelings and Emotions
Next Monday in England we all have an opportunity to take a positive step forward. The “rule of six” will return and the strict stay at home message will no longer apply. Outdoor organised sports will make a comeback and some of the shackles will be off. It’s vitally important...
By Chris Welford on 16th March, 2021 in Rest and Relaxation, Sleep
We welcome a guest blog this week from Dave Gibson our resident sleep expert and specialist wellbeing coach. When we fall ill, we instinctively want to sleep longer. That’s because we are designed to ‘sleep ourselves well’. In this way, our immune system stimulates us to sleep. In fact, the...
By Chris Welford on 11th March, 2021 in Change, Exercise
That’s NEAT Last week we talked about the importance of movement, but this isn’t all about exercise. There’s also NEAT – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis– which is a measure of the calories you burn just doing everyday activities. Our bodies use the energy in the food we consume to: Simply survive...
By Chris Welford on 4th March, 2021 in Excercise, Wellbeing
For many of us, the daily commute is going to be something from the past. As we approach the end of the COVID restrictions, it’s becoming clear that many office-based based jobs are not going to be done the same way. Organisations are talking about the future of work and...
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