

Sixth Sense Consulting – 10 years old!

By Chris Welford on 23rd July, 2020 in Assessment, Development, Sane Works

Surely not – but yes! It’s been a decade. To say that it has flown by would be one huge understatement. Here’s a little birthday card that we have designed. We hope you like it. So, whether you are one of our incredible clients, a supplier of the tools and...

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Coaching – an intangible return on investment

By Chris Welford on 25th June, 2020 in Coaching

Does coaching actually work? On the one hand there’s “evidence” that it does, which ranges from the reported experience of coaches and clients, the explosive growth in the industry, the fact that courses and qualifications exist, people write about it as a mainstream discipline and go to conferences to discuss...

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Soft skills are the hardest

By Chris Welford on 10th June, 2020 in Coaching, Development

Despite the fact that companies will frequently say that ‘our people are their greatest asset’ the reality is that many managers consider people issues to be too ‘woolly’ and not worth spending time on. They often don’t feel that they add value to the real task of doing business. Difficult...

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VUCA Bazooka?

By Chris Welford on 3rd June, 2020 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) could be described as the new normal across politics, world health and business. You might not be surprised to know that at a neurological level your brain is programmed to experience this as a threat, but you may not know how best to deal...

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Mental Health Awareness Week is over!

By Chris Welford on 26th May, 2020 in Development, Positive Works, Psychotherapy & Counselling

But you would be mistaken in thinking that the challenge has gone away.  As we transition out of strict lockdown, we are noticing that the reported anxiety levels in many of our client organisations are increasing.  Anxiety and creative agility don’t mix well! Sure, you may have done some great...

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Happiness isn’t about things!

By Chris Welford on 21st May, 2020 in Development, Positive Works, Sane Works

Data from the Royal College of Psychiatrists suggests that one in five people in the UK will suffer from depression at some point in their life. Whilst this high prevalence of depression is without a question not due to a single factor, but the result of several complex causes, one...

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By Chris Welford on 19th May, 2020 in Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

Take Care! It’s interesting how often we now say this to each other as we leave. But what is taking care of yourself, is it just staying away from Covid-19 or does it run deeper? What exactly is self-care? There’s a whole stack of research that shows the most important...

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The three zones of anxiety

By Chris Welford on 18th May, 2020 in Positive Works, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

Discover your stretch zone so you can perform at your best. You know the uncomfortable, restless sense of being anxious? Whether you’re concerned about a deadline, a presentation or going head-to-head in an important meeting, worry and fear just seems to make everything worse. But some anxiety in your life can actually...

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Those difficult remote conversations

By Chris Welford on 12th May, 2020 in Positive Works, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

The challenge with remote conversations, even when you have Zoom, Skype or Teams, is that they can be a bit transactional. It’s no bad thing to be rational, but if you hide behind distance and try and strip the emotion out altogether, if you fail to acknowledge the feelings that...

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Slow Down and Think

By Chris Welford on 7th May, 2020 in Coaching

Faster! Do more things at once, be agile, change gears mid-task..! It’s easy to conclude that success in modern life depends on sheer agility. But does it? As you skim read this (which inevitably many of you will) ask yourself where is the proof that multi-tasking and simultaneous but superficial...

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Anytime Coaching

By Chris Welford on 21st April, 2020 in Coaching

At the moment, when we engage with both the news and social media, it can be an emotional rollercoaster.  During these weird and disturbing times, we can fluctuate quickly between joy, anger, fear, sadness and disgust and quite often, a bewildering mixture of all of them!  It is different for everyone. Anytime...

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The show must go on (line) …!

By Chris Welford on 18th April, 2020 in Positive Works, Psychotherapy & Counselling

Against a backdrop of economic uncertainty and a massively volatile environment, our mission remains unchanged.  We are confident even in these challenging times that: Leading organisations will continue to rely on our expertise to help them select, develop and retain the people who keep them in business. All that’s changed...

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