

Adjusting to life during the COVID-19 pandemic

By Chris Welford on 6th April, 2020 in Positive Works, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

It’s taking many of us a while to adjust to a very different way of working.  For some people, the experience is already feeling quite stressful.  Here are a few ideas, drawing on our TREES model of resilience.  The team here at Sixth Sense hope this helps Thinking We’ve noticed...

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Helping you with the COVID-19 challenge

By Chris Welford on 23rd March, 2020 in Positive Works, Sane Works

Help is but a click away … Our TREES model represents the essential architecture of resilience.  How can we use this to protect ourselves during this unprecedented time? Thinking.  Worry seems to make us more susceptible to infection.  There’s a huge amount of evidence that stress dampens our immunity.  Now is the...

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Getting off autopilot (3 of 4) – Cut yourself some slack

By Chris Welford on 11th March, 2020 in Positive Works, Psychotherapy & Counselling

High standards are usually appreciated in work.  Having the reputation of being a person who does a good job, who knows their stuff and who delivers – well, that’s rarely a bad thing! But, like all strengths, you can overdo diligence.

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Getting off autopilot (2 of 4) – Please yourself

By Chris Welford on 25th February, 2020 in Positive Works, Psychotherapy & Counselling

We all want a bit of positive feedback; to know that we are pleasing other people.  Relationships thrive when we feel validated and appreciated, and recognition and reward at work are generally linked to evidence of a job well done.

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Getting off autopilot (1 of 4) – Slowing Down

By Chris Welford on 13th February, 2020 in Positive Works, Psychotherapy & Counselling

Modern life encourages speed.  We are encouraged to think that fast means good.  We order goods on-line and want them today or, at worst, tomorrow.  Waiting any longer feels unreasonable. Fast food remains appealing, despite what we know about its impact on our health.  We get impatient when faced with...

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Tired of not getting enough sleep? Try our workshops on the business of sleep..

By Chris Welford on 21st January, 2020 in Sane Works

Despite the fact that we all spend up to a third of our lives in bed, it’s remarkable how little is generally understood about the mysteries of sleep. For so many people getting to sleep and staying asleep have become the most un-natural of natural experiences. It’s easy just to...

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Simple tips for stress management!

By Chris Welford on 5th November, 2019 in Sane Works

This is International Stress Awareness Week.  Did you realise that mental ill health is the third biggest cause of absence in the workplace?  In 2017/8, 15.4 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety.  That’s 44% of all work-related ill health cases and nearly 60% of...

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The Business of Sleep

By Chris Welford on 25th June, 2019 in Sane Works

What has sleep got to do with business?  The answer is quite a lot!  It is one of the keys to healthy high performance.  “Poor sleepers are twice as likely to struggle to be productive, three times more likely to struggle to concentrate and seven times more likely to feel...

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Beware of Limbic Thinking!

By Chris Welford on 20th June, 2019 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

How does the stressed mind think?  Relax and give this a moment’s contemplation. You are programmed to deal with emergencies in a remarkably efficient way; using the minimum of precious mental resources and at maximum speed.  Your life depends on it.  That’s what evolution has provided you with – an...

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Trump’s here and that’s a field day for the media. 

By Chris Welford on 4th June, 2019 in Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

They seem to love battering us with miserable stories and scaremongering about global conflict and the ever-present discomfort of Brexit, which seems to nag away at us like a chronically bad back! But our parents and grandparents lived through far worse, with world wars and a far less generous social...

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Provide First Aid for the Mind

By Chris Welford on 4th February, 2019 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

Want to take a proactive approach to dealing with mental health issues in the workplace?  Want your staff to know how to identify the common symptoms and learn how to act upon them?  Want to drive up engagement and reduce costly sickness absence? Mental ill health is the third biggest...

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New Wellbeing Workshops from Sixth Sense

By Chris Welford on 5th December, 2017 in Sane Works

Our linked series of workshops are designed to help you look after yourself and others.  Each one is based on the latest thinking and is presented in a digestible and practical format.  You can learn one day and apply on the next! Fun, interactive but above all, impactful, they provide...

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