By Chris Welford on 28th January, 2016 in Coaching, Psychotherapy & Counselling
There never seems to be enough time! The temptation is to try and do everything at once in an eternal act of juggling: taking a call from your boss, helping the kids with homework, walking the dog, putting the bins out – multiple demands on your attention. One day, you...
By Chris Welford on 20th January, 2016 in Psychotherapy & Counselling
At this time of year many of you will be focused on well-being and with steely determination you are detoxing your body after the Christmas excesses. Some of you may even be reading this in the gym on your mobile phone and that’s rather interesting in itself… Have a think. ...
By Chris Welford on 5th January, 2016 in Psychotherapy & Counselling
Last year the Sixth Sense team embarked upon a fantastic programme called Best Year Yet. It enabled us to focus on the things that matter and set some positive, tangible goals. I am proud of what we have achieved last year with the publication of Staying Sane in Business, the...
By Chris Welford on 23rd October, 2015 in Psychotherapy & Counselling
Jackie reflects on a film with a difference Earlier this year we went to see the movie, Inside Out. It is about an eleven-year old girl, Riley, and shows how her emotions impact her daily mood. It is an innovative idea, using cartoon characters to represent the emotions of joy,...
By Chris Welford on 4th February, 2015 in Coaching, Psychotherapy & Counselling
Many professional people will have heard of and perhaps experienced burn-out. Like the terms ‘low’, ‘stressed’ and the other commonplace descriptions used to explain what happens when our psychological fuel tank runs empty, what they mean is unique to each person. However, there is the lesser-known cousin to burn-out which...
By Chris Welford on 7th January, 2015 in Psychotherapy & Counselling
There’s no doubt that at some point in the last week you have thought about change. Your intentions will be real enough and you will have learnt from last year won’t you? This year if you have made resolutions they will have been realistic, there will be fewer of...
By Chris Welford on 25th March, 2014 in Coaching, Development
Choosing a coach isn’t always easy, even when you have a recommendation from a trusted source. What’s right for one person isn’t necessarily right for another, even if you have done your homework and taken up references. Here are our top ten tips to help you make the right decision...
By Chris Welford on 14th February, 2014 in Psychotherapy & Counselling
A couple of years ago I attended a workshop with one of the last remaining, living disciples of Eric Berne, the founder of transactional analysis. As I listened to Claude Steiner, a powerful and provocative figure now in his seventies, I wondered if there was still a place for the...
By Chris Welford on 21st October, 2013 in Psychotherapy & Counselling
A quarter of the UK population has at some time has been diagnosed with depression with up to 15% of people in employment taking time off. That’s 4.5 million working people at least! The cost of poor mental health is colossal – £1,000 per employee per year or almost £26...
By Chris Welford on 21st August, 2013 in Psychotherapy & Counselling
Chris Welford is a business psychologist and he has worked extensively within SERCO prisons. His original role was in assessing and coaching senior managers and during one of these interviews the conversation touched on the effects of light on the behaviour of people in prison. This eventually led to Serco...
By Chris Welford on 21st August, 2013 in Coaching, Development
There has been lot of heat generated in the area of talent management but not a great deal of light has been shed on a complex subject. The result is that we have all sorts of perspectives ranging from a “war for talent”, which in truth is as difficult to...
By Chris Welford on 21st August, 2013 in Coaching, Development
There has been lot of heat generated in the area of talent management but not a great deal of light has been shed on a complex subject. The result is that we have all sorts of perspectives ranging from a “war for talent”, which in truth is as difficult to...
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