By admingr on 13th March, 2023 in Change, Coaching, Development, Getting Help and Support, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Wellbeing
When it comes to coaching is a blended approach best? Traditionally, coaching and therapy have been seen as two distinct approaches to helping people make positive changes in their lives. Coaching is widely recognised as being one of the most powerful ways in which personal and professional growth can...
By admingr on 12th January, 2023 in Change, Coaching, Development, Exercise, Getting Help and Support, Self-knowledge
Are Your Resolutions Failing Already? For many of us, the promises that we made to ourselves just over a week ago are already looking shaky. By the time we reach the end of this month, around 90% of us will have quietly admitted that the idea of making resolutions...
By Chris Welford on 28th September, 2021 in Change, Feelings and Emotions, Stress and Pressure
Overall, many organisations have coped well with remote working. But the time to return to the office – at least some of the time – is upon us. Here are a few thoughts about how you can make this a success. Purpose first The last 18 months have been all...
By Chris Welford on 14th July, 2021 in Change, Feelings and Emotions
With just a few days to go before the last of the major COVID restrictions are lifted, most organisations are planning for a return, at least partially, to office-based working. Although the call to arms to work at home was met with high degrees of understanding and commitment, the return...
By Chris Welford on 29th April, 2021 in Change, Wellbeing
One of the challenges of beginning the return to a familiar world of offices and travel is eating well. Working at home has created an ideal opportunity to focus on good nutrition; theoretically at least. It’s a more controlled environment in which you can better plan what and when to...
By Chris Welford on 11th March, 2021 in Change, Exercise
That’s NEAT Last week we talked about the importance of movement, but this isn’t all about exercise. There’s also NEAT – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis– which is a measure of the calories you burn just doing everyday activities. Our bodies use the energy in the food we consume to: Simply survive...
By Chris Welford on 9th February, 2021 in Change, Exercise
As lockdown 3.0 grinds on, it may be that you are using the time to engage in a project of personal improvement. Changing isn’t easy, so a useful way to think about it is offered by psychologists Prochaska and DiClemente, who broke down the process into five steps. Let’s use...
By Chris Welford on 5th November, 2020 in Change, Stress and Pressure
Stress hits us in different ways. Our first response is often simply a feeling; somewhere in the body. Some feelings are shown in the second ring from the middle of this picture CLICK HERE view the Stress Circle On the whole, it’s not a great idea to act solely on...
By Chris Welford on 4th November, 2020 in Change, Feelings and Emotions
Here we go again! What did we learn from last time? Here are some ideas for making it all a bit easier. The head stuff! Listen, you are enough already. This isn’t easy, so lay off the massive re-decorating plans, the sourdough baking competition and idea that you have to...
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