

The Power of a Dopamine Detox

By Chris Welford on 22nd July, 2024 in Coaching, Moods, Resilience, Sleep, Stress and Pressure, Wellbeing

In today’s fast-paced, digitally driven world, our brains are constantly bombarded with stimuli. From the instant gratification of social media likes to the endless stream of notifications, our daily lives are saturated with sources of quick dopamine hits. While these can provide momentary pleasure, they often leave us feeling drained,...

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Ten ‘Top tips’ for getting younger children to sleep on Christmas Eve!

By Chris Welford on 14th December, 2021 in Feelings and Emotions, Sleep, Stress and Pressure

When it comes to getting your children to bed on time the most difficult night of the year is undoubtedly Christmas Eve; especially for those hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa. Here’s some tips to make sure that they are bright and breezy, rather than fractious, under-slept and grumpy....

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Sleep yourself well!

By Chris Welford on 16th March, 2021 in Rest and Relaxation, Sleep

We welcome a guest blog this week from Dave Gibson our resident sleep expert and specialist wellbeing coach. When we fall ill, we instinctively want to sleep longer. That’s because we are designed to ‘sleep ourselves well’. In this way, our immune system stimulates us to sleep. In fact, the...

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