New Book – Mind Body Balance by Chris Welford and Jackie Sykes
There is no-one in business who doesn’t feel stressed from time to time.
Stress can be energising, stress can be debilitating, stress can even kill you.
In our new book, we explore the physiology and psychology of stress, and how it affects your body and your mind. We focus on how you can build your resilience by paying more attention to your nutrition, exercise, sleep and life balance. We demonstrate to how easy-to-apply tweaks to your lifestyle, your attitudes and your health can, quite simply, transform your life and the lives of all those around you.
“Mind Body Balance in Business is an excellent book that provides readers with practical ways they can balance their life and minimise stress in their working day and beyond. It is well written, easy to read and helps individuals cope with the pressures of work, and the interface between work and life more generally.” Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
You can download the first chapter for free or buy a copy of the full book for £15 at http://www.sane.works/mind-body-balance-business/
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