I’m a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, with an MA (Cantab) in Social & Political Science and an MSc in Occupational Psychology. I’m an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. My style is a combination of warmth and approachability with a strong emphasis on intellectual rigour. I’m Level A and B qualified and I have an in-depth knowledge of psychometrics and their utility in the assessment and development arena. As a consultant, I’ve built up wide-ranging experience across the public and private sectors. I have also worked in-house as an OD consultant for the UK charity, Age UK, which brought opportunities to design and deliver in-house leadership and management development programmes, as well as organisational effectiveness tools, such as competency frameworks, appraisal systems, and employee surveys. I particularly enjoy enabling individuals and teams to develop and reach their full potential, through feedback, coaching and facilitation. With this in mind, I have recently trained in psychotherapy, recognising the importance of the holistic nature of human experience and its impact on our working lives.