Jackie Sykes

When I was a toddler I started to ask the question ‘why’ and my curiosity has never subsided. As a teenager I made up my mind to be a psychologist and the enthusiasm I feel for my vocation is undiminished. From the beginning it was the world of organisations that caught my attention and in particular the way we behave in business. Over the last twenty years it has been a privilege to work with so many interesting and varied companies across the UK and internationally and in such a diverse range of sectors and functions. No day is the same and every client I work with is a source of endless fascination to me. 

I’m a pragmatist; a driven and positive person who turns ideas into action. I believe that business psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and psychotherapy have so much to offer the world. Whether I’m carrying out an in-depth assessment, working one to one with someone on his or her personal development, facilitating a team build or running a workshop, I keep coming back to the idea of potential. It’s my belief that we are all capable of so much more: individually and collectively. My goal is to help to enable my clients to be the best possible versions of themselves they can be. We all deserve sanity, success and satisfaction at work and sometimes we need a little support along the way so that we feel like an effective and efficient cog in the right wheel of life!

 This has been an incredible journey for me, starting off in psychometric research and test publication, moving through HR consultancy and line management and now co-directing my own assessment, development, coaching and therapy business. I am enjoying a new chapter in my career as an author, with “Staying Sane in Business” published in 2015 and “Mind Body Balance in Business” which came out two years later.  I continue to hope our observations add value to others in the business of work!

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Registered address: 22 Village Square, Bramhall Centre, Bramhall,

Tel: 0800 048 8615
Email: info@sixthsenseconsulting.co.uk


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