Natalia Zalesinska

I have a passion for partnering with leaders and entrepreneurs who want to turn drive into thrive. I help to unlock every facet of potential in my clients so that they become completely aware of themselves and their uniqueness, are able to turn obstacles into powerful resources and creatively embrace both opportunities and challenges.

The end goal I have for my clients is that they:

  • Realise their most important and meaningful intentions, goals and visions,
  • Are able to access their best inner state to generate new possibilities and achieve extraordinary results,
  • Experience a greater sense of wellbeing.

My interest in and desire to comprehend the mystery of human nature and human potential began in early childhood and I have spent most of my life exploring the field; trying to understand what makes people blossom and thrive. I am fascinated by how people subjectively experience their realities and how this is expressed through their behaviour. This led me to studying psychology and human resources and to qualify in the coaching field. My study journey is ongoing.

Although I have been coaching predominantly in the corporate environment since 2010, I recently broadened my client base to include entrepreneurs. My solid grounding gained from working as a Human Resources Business Partner and consultant in the banking industry for more than a decade, combined with my entrepreneurial upbringing, has afforded me a unique insight into and understanding of the challenges and complexities faced by leaders as well as what is required for exceptional leadership. I know what is demanded by the terms ‘corporate leader’ and ‘entrepreneur’ and, most importantly, understand the people behind those titles.

I offer a cutting-edge generative, holistic and individual-centric coaching approach which empowers my clients to move past the obstacles they place in their path and to develop both personally and professionally.

‘Generative’ means creating something beyond anything that has ever existed. My model uses multiple types of intelligence – verbal and visual, individual and collective, somatic and intellectual – in order to foster creative performance, profound and lasting transformation and new realities. It generates a deep contextual shift that leads to new levels of understanding.

Registered in England & Wales: Company number 07262479 – D-U-N-S Number 21-674-2575
Registered address: 22 Village Square, Bramhall Centre, Bramhall,

Tel: 0800 048 8615


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