Valentine’s Day – Emotional Literacy

We started off the year talking about the multiple demands that modern life places on us. We even invited you to think through the eyes of a child or try a digital detox …

It’s easy to dismiss February 14th as just another bit of crass commercialism, following hot on the heels of Christmas.

But an encouragement to stop and think about the people we love and to celebrate this love can’t be a bad thing can it?

Problem is, it’s hard to love anyone else if we don’t love ourselves.  In fact it’s more or less impossible. 

Loving ourselves is easier said than done.  It requires self-knowledge and self-acceptance.   

So, we thought we give you a little Valentine’s present.  Click below and download the first chapter of Staying Sane in Business.  It’s all about developing self knowledge.

This is a bit of love from us to you…!

If you like it and want to learn more, why not buy the rest of the book or get and touch and book on one of our short courses. It’s all on ….


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