anxiety in business

The three zones of anxiety

Discover your stretch zone so you can perform at your best.

You know the uncomfortable, restless sense of being anxious? Whether you’re concerned about a deadline, a presentation or going head-to-head in an important meeting, worry and fear just seems to make everything worse.

But some anxiety in your life can actually be a good thing as it can give you the spark of energy you need to get started and stick with something – but only if you are positive and motivated.

Imagine anxiety as three zones

  • Comfort Zone
  • Stretch Zone
  • Panic Zone

In the COMFORT ZONE the environment is familiar, stress and anxiety is low, and tasks are easy. But there will also be very little development, challenge or personal growth.

In the PANIC ZONE fear and anxiety is high, you feel paralysed and tasks can feel overwhelming and difficult. You can’t focus or concentrate and it’s a negative place of low productivity and inaction.

The STRETCH ZONE is the productive middle ground. Here there’s manageable levels of anxiety that you can use to face challenges with an appropriate, motivating apprehension that will help you develop, grow and get things done without burning out.

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